As you might know, in 2021 we placed our first 5 beehives at Rioni Estate. Tomas was a hobby beekeeper in Lithuania and he wanted to try it out in Georgia as well. He has learned and experienced beekeeping in Georgia during the last 1,5 seasons and now thinks that he is ready to take the next step. Over the next months we are planning to add 20 more beehives to Renegade Estate. Our plan is to have all the beehives settled in their new location in autumn 2022, so the bees would be prepared and ready to start production in 2023.
Why do we want to add those additional beehives?
On one hand, 25 beehives is too small of an amount to look at it as a separate business and Tomas as our tea master would not have time to do it in a really big scale anyway. But we feel that keeping honeybees around at our plantations fits with our values and goals. They are an extremely valuable part of the natural ecosystem and their presence supports biodiversity at our plantations. We also see that Renegade Estate would be a perfect place with its remote location and clean nature to produce natural and pesticide-free honey and we just recently finished setting up a honey-processing room which allows to export with proper certification. And, last but not least, we do like honey a lot. 😊

As with everything else we do with the Renegade team, we want to take this next step together with you, our community. The story of Renegade Beehives starts now as we offer 40 people an opportunity to become patrons of those 20 new beehives (each hive would have 2 patrons) that we will set up with your backing. As a patron of a hive, you will never have to buy honey from a shop again as each year you get 10% of the harvest, produced by your bee family - free of charge. On a bad year, it might be just 1,5 or 2 kg. On a good year, it might be 4 kg of natural high-quality honey, gathered from Renegade Estate and the forests and meadows around it.
Over the next 20 years, it would be in total more than 50 kg of honey.
Your name will also go on the hive together with your co-patron :)
One-time adoption fee is 450 Euros*.
We will use this money to buy beehives and prepare the ground for them. We will also arrange the HACCP food safety certificate for honey processing.
*The exact price depends on your country's VAT.
Starting from 2023 we will send you every year 10% of the honey that your adopted bee family gathers. Each year you will get at least 2 different types of honey, in most years, it would be 1,5-4 kg in total.
The initial adoption cost covers shipping fees for the first 3 years (2023-2025). After that you would need to pay for the shipping costs yourself, but honey itself is free. Of course, you are always welcome to come and pick up the honey yourself :)
We will continue to supply the honey to you until we are able to use the land where the beehives will be placed (currently the contract is until 2042), assuming that beekeeping will continue to be possible in our area.
Click on the beehive to see the name and description, click the "adopt this hive" to start with the adoption.